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Core Values

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We must be transformed. Our life-long journey emerges from the grip of brokenness through the transforming power of Gods' Word. We are empowered to grow and change - to live out the new life through the clear and relevant teaching of God's Word.



We must communicate with God. Prayer is an unburdening of our heart to God. It is the recognition of our need for God to do what only he can do. Through prayer people are saved, lives are transformed, and the church is built.



We cannot do life alone. Truth gospel binds us together and produces a community unlike any other. Change occurs within community by the Spirit as we speak the truth in love, honor one another, and extend care.



This is our mission. People need to be rescued from the darkness of their sin. As the church invades the culture with the Gospel of Jesus people will be called from darkness into light and from death unto life. People who were once far from Jesus will be made his treasured possession.



We will give up things we love for things we love even more, because it is an honor to serve Christ and the church. We will lead the way with great generosity in our time, min, and money. We truly believe it is more blessed to give than to receive.

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